Mansukh Mandaviya, the Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, recently released data demonstrating the sharp increase in medical seats in India over the last ten years, indicating a major improvement in the nation's healthcare system. Up to 57,592 new MBBS seats, according to the Health Minister, have been added in the ten years between 2014 and 2024.
India has seen a rise in MBBS and PG medical seats over twice in the last ten years, according to data that Union Health Minister Mandaviya shared on his official Twitter account. The Minister's data indicates that there are now 1,08,940 MBBS seats overall in India, and there are 70,674 PG seats. There were just 51,348 seats available in 2014.
High growth between 2014 and 2024
The Minister went on to say that the PG medical seat growth trajectory was especially noteworthy, with 39,489 new seats added between 2014 and 2024.
"Differing from other nations, India has a four-tier healthcare system that functions from grassroots to primary to secondary to tertiary, wherein institutes such as Ayushman Arogya Mandir have been established across rural and urban areas," Dr. Mandaviya said, emphasizing the government's commitment and resolve to raise awareness and ensure the delivery of healthcare services to the last mile, as reported by PIB.
The Minister told PIB, "They host a breadth of healthcare services themselves and also serve to connect the underserved with secondary and tertiary level consultations at their respective locations, saving patient's time and money and providing services and care with ease at affordable rates."