The methodology used for The Free Pres survey was innovative and rigorous. Among the many firsts, this survey has achieved, this is possibly the first time that an actual SURVEY form was sent to schools to fill up. This form had 84 questions, some answers were objective, some not. The questions stretched for some (A/4) 24 pages.
The questions were based on various pre-decided parameters, These were:
1. Learning & Teaching.
2. Sports Education.
3. Parental Engagement and Community Outreach.
4. Digitalisation and Technology Integration.
5. Sustainability, and Inclusive Education.
6. Vocational Education And Skilling.
Questions were divided into the above categories. Schools had the choice of either answering all the questions or just one. Answering one would not in any way, debar them from faring well, as the survey had carefully ensured. Schools nominated themselves in the categories they believed they excelled. Schools were also asked to submit evidence to the questions they were answering.
The Jury scrutinized each and every survey form that was filled and sent back to the FPJ. Every piece of evidence that the survey form threw up. The jury members also called respective schools and sought peer review as well.
The result was outstanding as the survey findings indicate.