In a startling incident, a herd of wild elephants created chaos as they entered a government-aided school near Coonoor in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiris district on Monday. The ensuing rampage resulted in significant damage to the school's infrastructure, with uprooted trees and debris strewn across the premises, as captured in a widely circulated video on social media.
Officials assess damage as Elephants target school
Government officials swiftly respond to the scene, evaluating the extent of the damage caused by the marauding tuskers. Despite the severity of the attack, there were no reported injuries among the school staff or students. The incident sheds light on the increasing challenges posed by human-wildlife conflict in the region, calling for urgent measures to address and mitigate such encounters.
Assam: elephant collides with train
In a separate but equally tragic incident, a wild elephant lost its life after being struck by a passenger train in Assam's Jorhat district on Saturday night. Confirmed by the Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO) of Northeast Frontier Railway, Sabyasachi De, the incident occurred in the Mariani area around 11:30 pm.
These incidents underscore the pressing need for comprehensive conservation strategies and heightened awareness to minimize human-wildlife conflicts, ensuring the safety of both wildlife and local communities.
(Inputs from ANI)