In a proactive move to address the issue of absenteeism among students in classes 10-12, the Tamil Nadu school education department is set to implement measures to scrutinize government schools where students have missed examinations. The primary goal is to identify and bring back students who may have been absent due to various reasons, such as fear or challenges related to inter-district migration of parents for employment.
Officials Call for a Targeted Approach to Tackle Student Absenteeism
Officials from the education department emphasized the need for a targeted approach to minimize the number of students who fail to attend final examinations. Currently, government schools report absenteeism to chief educational offices after a student is absent for more than three days. The information is then forwarded to the district collectorate, and teachers play a crucial role in tracing the students. However, educators have cited challenges in the existing system, noting that despite continuous efforts, some students remain irregular in attendance.
Enhancing EMIS for tracking
Addressing the limitations of the Education Information Management System (EMIS), officials acknowledged that last year's reports of over 50,000 Class 12 students missing language examinations underscored the need for a more robust system. The department is now considering stricter rules regarding attendance to reduce the number of students absent during final examinations. However, concerns persist about students who may still remain outside the school system.
Teachers have highlighted a critical issue with EMIS, stating that the database only covers schools across the state, making it challenging to track students who may have joined polytechnic or ITIs after completing Class 10. The department is actively exploring solutions to enhance the effectiveness of the tracking system and ensure a comprehensive understanding of students' educational pathways beyond school.