Shimla: Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Sunday said Himachal government is working towards providing world-class facilities in medical colleges in Shimla, Tanda, Nerchowk and Hamirpur.
Sukhu said that the state government is working towards providing ample employment opportunities to doctors despite limited job opportunities in the government sector.
Robotic surgery will be introduced in Shimla, Tanda, Nerchowk, and Hamirpur medical colleges and the latest PET scan and CT scan facilities would be provided in Shimla and Tanda Medical Colleges, he said.
Sukhu directed the administration to identify land for constructing a sports ground and an additional hostel in Lal Bahadur Shastri Government Medical College in Nerchowk in Mandi.
Presiding over the first convocation ceremony of the medical college, he congratulated the newly passed-out doctors and presented internship certificates to the first batch of MBBS.
He also urged doctors to keep pace with the rapid technological advancements in medical science.
The Department of Emergency Medicine is being created by the state government, under which doctors and paramedical staff will work in eight-hour shifts and this would help in strengthening the emergency services, Sukhu said.
The chief minister said that to improve the quality of drinking water, the state government will use UV-based technology for purifying water in all drinking water schemes in a phased manner.
A cultural program was also presented by the students of the college during the programme. PTI BPL NB