In a disturbing turn of events, a 12-year-old student at Green Bells School in Budhar town, Madhya Pradesh, was allegedly physically assaulted for uttering a religious slogan on the school premises. The incident, which occurred on Saturday, has led to the prompt arrest of both the English teacher, Abdul Wahid, and the school director, Shakeel Niyazi.
What happened at Green Bells School?
According to PTI reports, the incident took place at the private school, located 22 km from the district headquarters, when the English teacher reportedly attacked the Class 7 student after he chanted 'Jai Shri Ram.' The victim, traumatized by the assault, informed his family members, who, in collaboration with local residents, took the matter to the Budhar police.
Legal Action and Charges
Budhar police station in-charge, Sanjay Jaiswal, shared that a case has been registered against the accused under various sections of the Indian Penal Code. The charges include 153 (provocation leading to a riot), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), and 500 (defamation), along with offences under the Juvenile Justice Act.
Authorities are now conducting a thorough investigation to ensure justice is served, shedding light on the need for stringent measures to protect students from such incidents in the future.
(Inputs from PTI)