In a surprising turn of events, many B.Tech graduates flocked to government offices in Kerala's Ernakulam district on Friday, eager to apply for the seemingly humble job profile of 'government office peon.' The lure of this job, which offers an average monthly salary of ₹23,000, can be attributed to one primary factor: job security.
Qualification for this role
The qualifications required for this role are remarkably modest – a mere 7th-grade education and the ability to ride a bicycle. Moreover, there is one unequivocal condition – applicants should not possess a degree.
The starting salary for a peon in these government offices is approximately ₹23,000, making it an appealing option for those seeking financial stability. Recently, the shortlisted candidates were put through a cycling test on October 26 and 27. While cycling is no longer a mandatory mode of transport for office assistants, the cycling test remains a requisite for this position.
Officials explain that this archaic requirement is due to the state's failure to update its rules. Another peculiar stipulation is that candidates should not hold a graduation degree, despite a surplus of degree holders in the state. A PSC office official noted, "Times have changed. You will rarely find people in the state without a degree."
According to the Union Ministry of labour and employment, Kerala has the highest number of job seekers in the country.