A horrifying incident unfolded in Karnataka's Haveri district on Thursday as a speeding car collided with a Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) school bus, leaving four individuals critically injured, including three school students. The accident occurred near Bevinahalli Cross in Savanur Taluk.
The Fateful Collision
According to the ANI reports, the KSRTC bus, carrying 53 students and 6 teachers from Raichur District Lingasura Taluq Senior Primary School in Sajjalagudda, was en route to the picturesque Gotagodi Rock Garden for an excursion trip when the collision transpired. The impact of the crash caused the bus to overturn, resulting in severe injuries to the occupants.
The injured victims include the bus driver, identified as Malappa Hosur, who sustained a fractured spine. Additionally, three students, namely Vivya Sajjanagudda, Savitharavi Reddy, and Guruna Gowda, are reported to be in critical condition. Officials from the school provided this information, expressing deep concern for the students' well-being.
Swift Response and Transport to Hospital
A swift response from the local police saw a team rushing to the scene to assist the injured. Subsequently, the students were promptly transported to Savanur Taluk Hospital for medical attention. The gravity of the situation has left the entire community in shock, with parents anxiously awaiting updates on the condition of their children.
(Inputs from ANI)