In a devastating incident that unfolded late on Friday, two students from Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research in Bathinda lost their lives, while two others sustained injuries in a tragic road accident.
Victims Identified
According to the Hindustan Times reports, the victims have been identified as Amandeep Singh, a dedicated intern at the institute, and Rajan Jassal, a second-year MBBS student. The injured students are Saket Yadav and Rytham Wassan, both in their second year of the MBBS program.
According to Deputy Superintendent of Police Kuldeep Singh, the group had sought leave from their hostel to join their senior, Amandeep Singh. Travelling in Amandeep's Honda City car, tragedy struck when the speeding vehicle first collided with a road divider and then crashed into a unipole near the entry gate of the parking area. Amandeep and Jassal tragically lost their lives at the accident site, while Rytham Wassan was rushed to Adesh medical college with critical injuries. Saket Yadav's condition, fortunately, is reported to be stable.
Faulty Road Engineering Suspected
All the victims were in their early twenties. Initial investigations point towards faulty road engineering as the potential cause of the fatal accident, which occurred near the recently constructed multi-level parking facility on the local Mall Road.