In an unexpected turn of events on the evening of January 22, a small group of students at Delhi's Jamia Millia Islamia raised slogans and displayed placards with the phrase "Strike for Babri." The university administration swiftly intervened, removing the participants from the campus premises. Confirming the incident, an official statement from the university stated, "There were 2-3 students who raised slogans and showed placards yesterday. When we got the knowledge, the students were removed from the place. The university is further looking into the matter."
Security measures amidst controversy
Earlier on the same day, Delhi Police had stationed personnel outside the Jamia Millia Islamia campus after an online video surfaced, depicting two to three students engaging in the controversial slogans. The video showed a man chanting slogans like "Allahu Akbar," "Strike for Babri," and "RSS down down."
Despite the potential gravity of the situation, Delhi Police clarified in a statement, "No action was initiated because the protest happened inside the campus, and no official complaint was given to the police." The heightened security measures were attributed to the consecration of the new idol of Ram Lalla at the Ram temple in Ayodhya, coinciding with the upcoming Republic Day.
Academic activities uninterrupted
The Jamia Millia Islamia administration emphasized that academic activities remained unaffected by the brief protest. "It was just two to three students who engaged in sloganeering. Classes and examinations continued without any disruption," assured an official of the university to PTI.