In a devastating turn of events, a research scholar at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, was discovered dead in her hostel room on Thursday, marking the third suspected case of suicide at the institute in the past five weeks. The deceased, identified as Priyanka Jaiswal, was pursuing a PhD course in the chemical engineering department, having joined the institute just 20 days ago.
What happened?
According to Hindustan Times reports, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Abhishek Pandey confirmed that the IIT administration promptly informed the police about the incident. A forensic team has been deployed to investigate the circumstances surrounding Ms. Jaiswal's untimely demise.
The grim discovery came to light when the research scholar's father, concerned by her unresponsiveness since Wednesday, contacted the hostel manager. Upon reaching her room, it was found locked from the inside, and Priyanka was found hanging.
Official Statement from IIT Kanpur
In an official statement, IIT Kanpur expressed deep sorrow over the loss, stating, "With profound grief, IIT Kanpur mourns the untimely and unfortunate demise of a PhD student, Ms. Priyanka Jaiswal, who joined the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Institute last month, that is December 2023. The Institute is awaiting the police investigation to determine the likely cause of the death. With Ms. Priyanka’s passing away, the Institute lost a bright and promising young student."
The distressing incident follows two previous cases of student suicides on the campus within the last five weeks. In December, a research scholar in the biosciences and bioengineering department took her own life within a week of shifting to the institute's accommodation.
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Subsequently, on January 10, another student enrolled in the master's program at the aerospace engineering department was found dead in his hostel room, amplifying concerns about the well-being of students at IIT Kanpur.