In a heartbreaking incident, a 17-year-old intermediate first-year student named Varsha allegedly took her own life in Peerzadiguda, Hyderabad, citing the overwhelming stress of exams as the cause. Varsha, a BiPC student at Sri Chaitanya Women’s College and a resident of Beeraiah, Vanaparthi district, was discovered hanging in the college washroom.
Exam Fear Takes Its Toll
Police officials, led by Sub Inspector D Gnanerder Reddy from Medipally Police Station, revealed that Varsha had been battling exam "fear" for an extended period, leading to a deep state of depression. The preliminary investigation indicates that the young student used a scarf to end her life.
Investigation Underway
"At this stage, it appears that the girl died by suicide due to exam fear. The case is yet to be registered, and the body has been moved for post-mortem examination," stated Sub Inspector Reddy.
This tragic incident sheds light on the immense pressure students face during the examination season, emphasizing the critical need for mental health support within educational institutions. Authorities are expected to conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding Varsha's untimely death.
(Inputs from ANI)