In a heartbreaking incident, a 12-year-old boy passed away at a Delhi hospital on January 20, days after allegedly being thrashed by his seniors in a government school located in the Shastri Nagar area of north Delhi. The incident occurred on January 11, and the child succumbed to his injuries during the course of treatment.
Alleged assault leaves young student in agony
The victim, a sixth-grade student, returned home on January 11 limping and in severe pain, according to his father, Rahul Sharma. Despite the obvious distress, the boy remained silent about the incident. Concerned about his son's condition, Sharma took him to a hospital where he was initially treated with medications and advised to rest. However, the child's health continued to deteriorate, prompting the family to seek further medical attention at a hospital in Rohini.
Tragically, the boy passed away on January 20, leaving his family devastated. Rahul Sharma, the grieving father, expressed his bewilderment over the brutal attack on his son, stating, "We didn't know why he was attacked. He wanted to join the armed forces. All of his dreams shattered."
Investigation underway
Confirming the incident, Deputy Commissioner of Police (north) Manoj Kumar Meena assured that a postmortem examination is being conducted through a board of doctors. He affirmed that legal action would be taken based on the findings of the investigation.
(Inputs from PTI)