On March 19, 2024, the Bihar School Examination Board, or BSEB, released the Bihar Sakshamta Answer Key 2024. Those who took the Sakshamta test can obtain the answer key by visiting bsebsakshamta.com, the official website of BSEB Sakshamta.
The response sheet, also known as the answer key, was made available on March 19. The deadline for submitting objections is March 21, 2024. Candidates would have to pay ₹50/-per question in order to file objections. Debit cards, credit cards, or net banking should be used to pay the objection processing charge.
How to check?
Go to bsebsakshamta.com to access the official website of BSEB Sakshamta.
On the home page, click the objection window link for Bihar Sakshamta Answer Key 2024.
Candidates will be prompted to provide the necessary information on a new page that opens.
There will be an answer key displayed.
Choose the question for which you wish to file an objection by consulting the answer key.
Provide the response you believe is right along with any supporting documentation.
Make the payment for the processing fee to file the objection. Click on the submit button to retrieve the page. It is advisable to retain a hard copy of the document for future use.
Statewide, the Bihar Sakshamta exam was held on February 26, March 1, and March 6, 2024. Interested candidates should visit the BSEB official website for additional information.