The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has made available the answer keys for the Class 10th or Matric final examination. Students who have taken the Bihar board 10th final exam can go to to verify the answer keys for objective-type questions.
In the BSEB Matric examination, half of the questions in all theory subjects were in the form of objective-type questions. These questions required students to answer using OMR answer sheets.
The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has also given students the opportunity to express their concerns about these provisional answer keys. Students have until 5 PM on March 14th to submit their objections to the board. The examination took place in two separate sessions, one from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm and the other from 1:45 pm to 5 pm.
The BSEB Class 10 exams were conducted from February 15 to 23, 2024. Results of the examination will be announced after the evaluation of answer sheets is completed.
To raise objections against the Bihar Board Class 10 Answer Key 2024, follow these steps:
Visit the official website at
Download the Class 10 board exam answer key.
Navigate to the "Grievance for Secondary Exams 2024" section under the grievance menu.
Click on "Register objection regarding answer key matric exam 2024."
Fill in the required details in the provided fields.
Choose the correct option according to your opinion and provide justification in the next field.
Submit the form and ensure to take a printout for future reference.