In a heart-wrenching incident, two lives were lost and numerous individuals suffered injuries when a temporary structure supporting the construction of a school building collapsed in Anekal town, located on the outskirts of Bengaluru. The unfortunate event unfolded during the installation of the portico centering for a private school.
Swift response from authorities
Upon receiving the distressing news, the police and fire and emergency services personnel swiftly mobilized to the site. Their prompt action facilitated the rescue of those trapped under the rubble. The injured were promptly transported to a nearby hospital for medical attention, with reports indicating at least 13 people sustained injuries.
Probe launched into the cause
Investigations are underway to determine the cause of the accident. "The incident is currently under investigation to determine the root cause of the accident" stated the authorities. They are keen on unraveling the factors that led to the collapse of the temporary structure, emphasizing the importance of understanding these dynamics to prevent similar incidents in the future.
As the community grapples with the aftermath of this tragic incident, the focus turns to comprehensive investigations and safety measures to ensure the well-being of individuals involved in construction activities.
(Inputs from PTI)