Assam has set aside Rs 240 crore for a fresh initiative, Mukhya Mantri Nijut Moina, aimed at supporting and educating girls through financial aid and rewards at different stages, as announced by state finance minister Ajanta Neog.
The initiative will offer financial assistance to more than 10 lakh girls as an encouragement for pursuing higher education, with Rs 12,500 for those entering their first year of undergraduate studies and Rs 15,000 for postgraduate studies.
The scheme also includes a provision to provide Rs 10,000 to every female student enrolling in Class 9. The Assam Budget 2024 has also allocated Rs 1,250 crore for establishing 5,000 model anganwadi centers throughout the state. Additionally, approximately Rs 2,370 crore will be utilized to enhance and modernize the infrastructure in 322 schools.
The budget also includes plans to establish 100 additional schools in the tea garden areas. Furthermore, Rs 100 crore has been earmarked for the transformation of Dibrugarh University into a cutting-edge institution.
Additionally, Rs 20 crore has been set aside for Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University. During her Budget 2024 address, Assam finance minister Ajanta Neog announced that the state government has successfully employed 94,506 young individuals.
The majority, over 22,000, were hired by the school education department. The minister also noted that the government has fulfilled its commitment to create 100,000 jobs, as 35,910 positions have already been advertised.