The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi has announced the online seat allocation for the recruitment of Junior Resident (Non-Acad.) for the January 2024 session. Those candidates, who appeared for the examination can check and download their results online through the official site at
Candidates who have been assigned a seat/department in the Online Seat Allocation for the position of Junior Resident (Non-Acad.) must attend the Jawahar Lal Nehru Auditorium at AIIMS, New Delhi, from January 15 to January 17, 2024, at 10:00 am.
The allotment is based on completing all online registration requirements, including submitting the security deposit, indicating seat/department preferences, and uploading images from November 28, 2023, to December 12, 2023.
The official notice reads, "The list of eligible candidates for online seat allocation corresponds to those who fulfilled the criteria outlined in Advertisement No F.No.01/2024/Acad.I, dated November 22, 2023, available on the official website The allocation of seats is determined by the choices made by candidates and the availability of seats."
Direct Link to check the CRE-AIIMS Result 2024
AIIMS CRE Result 2024 | AIIMS
Candidates need to verify eligibility criteria
Candidates must ensure they complete the necessary reporting and joining procedures within the specified period. They also need to undergo document verification to confirm their eligibility and identity.
Failing to submit the required certificates will lead to the cancellation of their candidacy, and the allocated seat/department will be forfeited.
Furthermore, Candidates belonging to reserved categories, SC/ST/OBC/EWS need to provide valid certificates from the authorized body. The OBC and EWS certificates must be issued within the specified period mentioned in the prospectus. Failure to furnish valid certificates for these categories will result in the forfeiture of the allocated seat/department.