Delhi Women's Commission Chief, Swati Maliwal, visited a distraught woman at the hospital on Friday. The victim, a woman grappling with immense physical and emotional pain, lost her husband and two young sons, aged 8 years and 8 months, in the tragic incident.
Maliwal, moved by the heartbreaking situation, took swift action by ensuring the waiver of the victim's hospital fees through the Farishtey scheme implemented by the Delhi Government. With over 40 fractures, the survivor faces an arduous road to recovery.
Expressing her commitment to justice, Maliwal announced her intention to issue a notice to the Delhi Police, urging them to ensure the strongest punishment for those responsible for the accident. In a statement, she declared, "She is not alone. I will support her in her fight for justice."
Farishtey Dilli Ke scheme
Launched on January 15, 2018, the "Farishtey Dilli Ke" scheme, meaning "Saviors of Delhi" in Hindi, aims to foster citizen involvement in aiding victims of road accidents, acid attacks, and thermal burns. This initiative encourages individuals to come to the aid of those in distress without the apprehension of legal repercussions or police investigations.
Under the scheme, the treatment expenses for accident victims are covered. Additionally, individuals who assist in transporting victims to the hospital receive Rs 2,000 as a token of appreciation, earning them the esteemed title of Delhi's "farishtey" or angels. This innovative approach not only supports the affected individuals but also recognizes and rewards the compassionate actions of those extending a helping hand during emergencies.