Damoh (Madhya Pradesh): Chaos erupted in Damoh district after some miscreants pelted stones during a Durga idol immersion on Tuesday night. The incident was reported from the Hindoria area and some people sustained injuries in the stampede that followed the stone pelting.
Local reports cited that councilor Prem Narayan Sahu and his son also got injured in the incident. Fortunately, police were present during the procession and prevented the matter from escalating.
According to information, angry over the incident, people participating in the event raised slogans against the administration. Later, they expressed their anger after reaching the police station. The procession had to be stopped during the whole commotion.
Upon receiving information, senior officials arrived at the spot late on Tuesday night and convinced the people to continue the procession. After much discussion and consultation, the people agreed to complete the idol immersion.
Case registered
Police have started investigating the matter and assured the victims of strict action against the accused.
Hindoria police station incharge Mahendra Singh Jagat said, "We have registered a case in the matter. The people who pelted stones could not be identified. The case is under investigation."