Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): A high-level meeting was held in Gwalior on Friday, to plan security arrangements ahead of PM Narendra Modi's visit scheduled on October 2. Officials included in the meeting under chairmanship of Police Control Room ADGP D Srinivas Verma, district Collector Akshay Kumar Singh, SSP Rajesh Singh Chandel, ASP Rishikesh Meena, Corporation Commissioner, CEO District Panchayat and others.
Gwalior administration and police have also geared up to install tight security before the arrival of PM Modi on October 2 in the ‘mela ground’ of the district.
As the huge disturbance was created in the state after Gurjar Mahakumbh in Gwalior, police are already occupied in identification of the accused and taking actions against them. In such a situation, administration’s officials are busy scheduling each minute and hour of the PM’s programme.
After Meeting, Officials Inspection Mela Ground
According to the proposed visit of the Prime Minister, bhoomi pujan and inauguration of many development and construction projects are also to be held at Gwalior’s Mela ground in the presence of lakhs of people, hence, as soon as the meeting concluded, the convoy of district officials reached mela ground and inspected the venue. Various mandatory instructions were given to the officers present on the spot.
It is noteworthy that at the Mela ground, prime minister Narendra Modi is going to announce the setting-up of a factory in Malanpur and also dedicate some gifts to women like- gas cylinders worth ₹450 under the Ladli Behna and Ujjwala schemes.
Therefore, officials of the Women and Child Development Department, Food Department and other departments were also included in the meeting. Although the schedule of PM Modi’s program has not been received from the PMO, the police and administration have made mandatory arrangements for crowd management.
Along with this, serious planning has been started on the parking system and traffic diversion. Besides, there is also a challenge for the police administration to maintain peace and order during the upcoming festivals like Miladunnavi and Ganesh Utsav.