Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): The masked boys who attacked a private school bus in Jabalpur on Thursday, are revealed to be students of the same school. The students were angry over their teacher's scolding, therefore had planned to attack him. However, they ended up injuring the bus driver and the conductor as well. Police have arrested two of the three accused on Friday.
According to information, the incident pertains to a famous English medium school located at Dhanvantri Nagar in Jabalpur. A teacher had scolded some teenage boys in the classroom. Feeling insulted, the students planned to attack him. One of the students informed his friends about the teacher's routine, and three masked teenagers forcibly boarded the school bus. They carried out a physical assault on the teacher by attacking with knives.
The incident came to light when a video of the masked teenagers fleeing the school bus surfaced.
Notably, the student, who planned the assault, was present during the entire incident at a distance from the scene, had orchestrated the assault on the teacher by sending his friends with a motive to teach the teacher a lesson.
Dhanvantari Nagar police in Jabalpur have arrested two of the offenders, while the search for the third is underway.