Morena (Madhya Pradesh): A member of a gang involved in printing fake notes has been arrested in Morena district of Madhya Pradesh. A scanner, printer and computer for printing fake notes, along with fake currency worth Rs 6400– all of Rs 100 denomination, were recovered from the accused. All the fake notes were seized.
According to the information, Pawan Bhadoria, Rampur police station in-charge of the district, got information that a person who deals in fake notes and spends these notes in local, he immediately planned to catch him.
Printer, scanner and notes kept in beekeeping boxes
After that, the police arrested the accused Bhupendra Dhakad resident of Veerpur Rampur. When the police interrogated the accused, he took the police to his house. There were beekeeping boxes kept in front of the house. In those boxes, along with scanner, printer and computer for printing fake notes, fake notes worth Rs 6,400 of Rs 100 were recovered.
He further said that he makes fake notes and uses them in the surrounding areas and has been doing this for the last two years. Along with this, he also told that why he prints only fake notes of Rs 100.
This action of Rampur police station is being considered as a big achievement by the police department. If this person is not caught in time, then he would have started circulating fake notes in the market on a large scale. gives.