Shivpuri (Madhya Pradesh): In a shocking incident, a one-year-old girl was allegedly killed by her mother’s lover because she wouldn't stop crying. The accused first held the child by her legs and slammed her to the ground, then covered her mouth to stop her breathing. The mother spent the entire night crying, holding her daughter’s lifeless body, while the lover sat nearby. The following morning, he fled the spot, after which the mother reported the crime to the police.
According to information, the woman had left her husband in Bengaluru to live with her lover in Shivpuri approximately 20 days ago. The deceased child, identified as Chhaya, was brought along by the mother, while the other two children remained in Bengaluru with their father.
Woman left two kids home
The accused lover, Bhaiyalal Adivasi, had been working in Bengaluru as a labourer for a year. During this period, he met Jayanti Adivasi (35), who was also working there with her husband Parmanand and three children. The two fell in love, and Jayanti left her husband and two older children, Damini (9) and Dev (8), to live with Bhaiyalal in Shivpuri.
The incident occurred after the family had their dinner and went to bed on Tuesday night. Around midnight, Chhaya started crying, waking Bhaiyalal up. Angered by the disturbance, he beat the child, which made her cry louder. In a fit of rage, he grabbed Chhaya by her legs and slammed her to the ground, causing severe bleeding from her mouth and head. He then covered her mouth and suffocated her to death.
Murder case registered
The entire night, Bhaiyalal stayed in the hut while Jayanti clung to her daughter's body. The next morning, Bhaiyalal left the hut, allowing Jayanti to seek help from the local police.
Bamore Kalan Police Station in-charge Neetu Singh stated that a case of murder has been registered against Bhaiyalal Adivasi, and efforts are underway to arrest him. Jayanti’s mother-in-law has been informed, but she could not contact her husband, Paramanand yet.