Rajgarh (Madhya Pradesh): Children and pregnant women will be vaccinated under the Indra Dhanush campaign. All preparations have been made for the first phase of the campaign. Chief medical and health officer Dr Kiran Wadia said 3,041 children and 706 pregnant women had been identified for vaccination.
The vaccination campaign will be launched from Monday and continue till August 12, Dr Wadia said. District vaccination officer Dr LP Bhakoria said that an App, Uvin App, had been launched on the pattern of Covid-19 vaccination drive.
The beneficiaries will be registered through this portal and the information uploaded after vaccination, he said. A PDF file will be given to beneficiaries, so that they may get all the information about when they were vaccinated last time.
Collector Harsh Dixit conducted a survey of 1,720 villages and 216 wards and asked the officials to make a list of those children and pregnant women who were not vaccinated.
Campaign In Three Phases
Indra Dhanush will continue for three months and in three phases. The first phase starting from Monday will continue till August 12. The second will begin from September 11 and continue till 16 and the third phase from October 9 to 14.