Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Vegetable prices have shot up in Bhopal, leaving residents shocked. Tomatoes, which cost Rs 10 per kilogram till last week, now cost Rs 100 per kilogram. Price of garlic and ginger is Rs 200 per kilogram. Leafy vegetable cost Rs 50 per kilogram. Onion price, however, varies from Rs 20 per kilogram to Rs 40 per kilogram depending on size. Potatoes cost Rs 20 per kilogram. Vendors attributed the price rise to short supply. Prices may increase further, they said.
State Bharatiya Kisan Sangh (BKS) president Kamal Singh Anjana said, “Because of intense heat, vegetables crops, which were already damaged due to unseasonal rain and hail, did not yield as they were not irrigated properly. It led to short supply in cities, which in turn increased prices of vegetables.”
Farmer Kedar Sirohi said, “It is lean period. Prices go up during this period as it takes time for new crop arrival. Unseasonal rain damaged crops. Prices will increase. But this crisis will last for one month.”
Vegetables Cost/kg
Tomatoes Rs 100
Pointed gourd Rs 80
Ridged gourd Rs 80
Cauliflower Rs 60
Jackfruit Rs 60
Leafy veg Rs 50
Bottle gourd Rs 40
Brinjal Rs 40
Lady finger Rs 40