Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Governor Mangubhai Patel said that the "One week-one laboratory" programme was a worthy initiative to build a self-reliant India. The programme will inspire the future generation to contribute to nation building.
He said that CSIR-Ampri should become the engine of innovation in the state by developing meaningful and equal partnership between research, academia and industry. He was addressing the educationists, researchers, industrialists, entrepreneurs, start-ups, school and college students at the launch of "One Week-One Laboratory" at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research's Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute (CSIR AMPRI) auditorium. He said that nation and society with technical knowledge could alone progress.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made multi-pronged efforts to make the thinking of citizens scientific. CSIR-Ampri Director Dr Avnish Kumar Srivastava spoke on 10 programmes organised during the week from May 14 to 18. Dr Mohammad Akram Khan, Chief Scientist, CSIR Ampri proposed vote of thanks. Governor also visited the exhibition focused on the research and exploration works of the laboratory at the venue.