Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Now, local residents can celebrate their birthday at Regional Science Centre located on the Shyamla Hills. The birthday boy or the birthday girl, along with their family members and friends, will be able to spend the day at the Centre, enjoying the scores of working and static exhibits that teach you fundamental principles of science in a fun-filled way.
The unique initiative, named SCI Birthday Celebration, is aimed at developing interest in science, promoting scientific culture and temper.
Centre curator Saket Singh Kaurav said the project was launched on June 1. “Normally, we visit malls, parks, cinemas, hotels, picnic spots to celebrate birthdays. Then, why not the Science Centre? It will be an entertaining as well as an educational experience for people of all ages - right from school-going kids to grandparents,” he added.
It will include a guided tour of all the galleries at the Centre, a 3D film show and a planetarium show. If the sky is clear, the visitors will be able to view the stars through a telescope. A special demonstration, Liquid Nitrogen - The Supercool Show, will also be arranged for the birthday groups. The show portrays how things change their nature and shape when subjected to a temperature of minus 200 degrees Celsius. The bookings for birthday celebrations have to be made at least one week in advance.