Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Babas are entering the arena of assembly election in the state. After Mirchi Baba, Computer Baba has also pitched in the field. At a press conference in Bhopal on Tuesday, Computer Baba said he would take Gau mata Bachao Yatra.
The Yatra will begin from Chitrakoot on September 26 and end in Ujjain on October 10.
Several Sadhus and Sants will take in the Yatra that will cover 40 districts. Computer Baba said the Congress government had begun to set up cowsheds. But after the fall of the Congress government, the cows are on the roads again, since the present government has not done anything for their upkeep, he said. It is not a political Yatra, but any politician wishing to take part in it can do so, he said.
Mirchi Baba recently tonsured his head outside the Congress’s office in Bhopal and announced that he would campaign for the party. Both Mirchi Baba and Computer Baba campaigned for the Congress in the last assembly election. Both have prepared the ground to campaign for the Congress in the upcoming assembly election.
When the BJP took over the reins of power after ousting the Congress government, both Babas were sent to jail in two different cases. After being released from jail, Computer Baba was not seen in the state for several months. But he has plunged into politics just before the election.