Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Bhopal police made traffic arrangements on Wednesday, for the visit of Union Home Minister Amit Shah to Bhopal on July 26th. At the time the Minister would travel from State Hangar to BJP Office (Time-05:30 pm) passenger buses coming and going from Indore, Ujjain side will have to halt at Halalpur bus stand and can’t travel towards Lalghati.
Traffic To Be Completely Restricted
Traffic will be completely restricted from Roshanpura Square to Polytechnic Square, Kamla Park, Retghat, VIP Road, Lalghati, Gandhi Nagar Square and from Polytechnic Square to Gandhi Park Square, Malviya Nagar, Ankur School, Link Road Number-1, Shivaji Nagar, Arjun Nagar, Subhash School, Mahavir Dwar and Mansarowar Square.
More Details About Routes
Between 7:30 pm and 8:00 pm, the movement of normal vehicles, jeeps/cars and two-wheelers will be restricted from Lalghati towards State Hangar Tiraha. Vehicles travelling towards Rajabhoj Airport will be able to travel via Bharat Mata Square, Bhadbhada Square, Sakshi Dhaba Square, Neelbad Square by turning right, Nathu Barkheda Road, Mughalia Chhap, Khajuri Road, Khajuri Bypass Square-Mubarakpur Square.