Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma announced the replacement of Shailesh Lodha in the long-running TV series. The makers revealed the entry of actor Sachin Shroff to play the role of 'Mehta Saheb' in further episodes.
Soon after the update it TMKOC fans, they couldn't accept it and began reacting with memes. Twitterati expressed their discontent and requested to instead end the show than bringing replacements to play iconic characters on-screen.
Check some reactions:
Meanwhile, Shailesh, who was seen playing the role of Taarak Mehta in the sitcom, left the show because of differences with the makers and was unable to explore more opportunities.
Producer Asit Kumarr Modi had earlier told IANS, "We are searching for a talented actor. Shailesh Lodha can also come back. I never feel good when any of my actors leave the show...But I cannot wait endlessly for anyone. The show is bigger than each one of us and for the audience I have to look for his replacement if he is not coming back."
The talks did not work out and now the well-known actor Sachin is going to be the new face. In a recent interview with IANS, Asit Kumar added, "Yes, we have cast Sachin Shroff in our show. We wanted a face that is known and connects well with the audience and Sachin had worked in a number of shows. Moreover, we wanted a committed actor and he is the perfect choice for us in that terms also."