A chilling video of domestic violence and harassment by in-laws has surfaced online. The incident was reported from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh after the husband's family was unhappy with the dowry received from the daughter-in-law's side. Finding it not enough, five persons including the mother-in-law and the father-in-law charged violence and tortured the lady brutally. The assault was recorded on camera and has gone viral now.
(Warning: Disturbing Visuals)
Video records her painful screams
The daughter-in-law is seen being dragged on the floor, severely beaten up, humiliated, and harassed painfully as she is heard screaming and suffering in the video.
A few women purportedly from the husband's family were caught on camera thrashing her mercilessly. They pull her hair, slap her repeatedly, and kick her body while fanatically assaulting her. The footage also records the voice of a man who adds fuel to the brutality by saying "Maar Tu, Maar (You beat, beat)."
Women in family beat her, brother-in-law molests
After the horrific incident, the 32-year-old victim and resident of Premnagar in Bareilly approached the police for necessary action. She alleged that apart from the physical harassment, she also went through mental torture by the family, of which the brother-in-law molested her when she was alone at the residence.
Daughter-in-law files police complaint
The daughter-in-law registered a complaint against five persons from the husband's family while narrating the ordeal to the police. The matter is under investigation, followed by strict action.