With the five-time champions Mumbai Indians releasing their theme song ahead of IPL 2024, netizens have raised various questions from the video released on Monday (March 18th). Social media users have spotted discrepancies regarding Rohit Sharma and Hardik Pandya, with the former being shown in the video a lot less despite leading the franchise to 5 titles.
The theme song named 'Mumbai meri jaan' shows different players including Suryakumar Yadav, Jasprit Bumrah, Akash Madhwal, Tilak Varma, and Hardik Pandya engaging in various activities on the streets of the financial capital city of India. Although the video starts with Rohit Sharma, the veteran opening batter is not shown any further until the final part when the entire squad gathers.
Moreover, netizens have also spotted how distant Rohit and Hardik are sitting at the end of the video. In December, the franchise pulled off a shock move by removing Rohit Sharma as captain, with Hardik replacing him after coming in from the Gujarat Titans.
Here's how the netizens have reacted to the theme song:
"He will always be there to help me" - Hardik Pandya on Rohit Sharma
During a press conference on Monday, Hardik brushed aside any possibility of feeling awkward while captaining Rohit Sharma, who he expects to be of massive help. The Baroda-born all-rounder elaborated:
"It will not be any different, he will always be there to help me. This team, what it has achieved, it has achieved under him and I just have to carry forward that. It wonβt be awkward. He is going to have his hand on my shoulders. We respect fans but we focus on the sport and what is required. I focus on the controllables, fans have every right and I respect their opinion."
Mumbai Indians won their last of 5 IPL titles in 2020.