Inaugurating the Khelo India Youth Games 2024 in Chennai on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "in the last 10 years the Central Government reformed, the athletes performed and the entire sports system transformed in India."
Delivering his speech in Hindi in the presence of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin and others at the Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor Stadium, Modi, who will be Tamil Nadu for the next two days, said “Today, we are not waiting for youth to come to sports, we are taking sports to youth."
The Prime Minister will on Saturday go the famed Srirangam Temple in Tiruchi and the Ramanathaswamy Temple in Rameswaram to offer prayers, in line with his recent visit to temples ahead of the consecration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya slated for January 22.
Emphasising that sports is not limited to just the field but is a huge economy in itself creating many employment opportunities for the youth, the Prime Minister reiterated his guarantee to make India the third-largest economy in the world.
"Every possible assistance being provided to athletes under TOPS initiative"
Throwing light on India’s recent successes in sports, he mentioned India’s best-ever performance at the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic Games, historic performance at the Asian Games and Para Games, and the new record of medals at the University Games. “With India’s eyes on the Paris Olympics to be held this year and the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, every possible assistance is being provided to athletes under the TOPS initiative”, he said.
Modi said campaigns like Khelo India are realising the dreams of youth from rural, poor, tribal and lower-middle-class families. The Khelo India games will witness the participation of athletes from all over India. “The atmosphere of competition among 5,000 plus athletes during Khelo India Youth Games will be worth an experience,” he said.
“Khelo India Youth Games will bring together the resolve, commitment and belief of all athletes and the nation will be a witness to their dedication, self-confidence, never-say-die spirit and passion for extraordinary performances”, the Prime Minister added. The games will be hosted in Chennai, Tiruchi, Madurai and Coimbatore.
On the occasion, Modi also launched and laid the foundation stone of projects related to the Broadcasting sector worth about Rs 250 crores. This included the rebranded launch of DD Tamil.