With a little more than a month to go for the 2nd E-Prix event in Hyderabad in February 2024, it has resulted in cancellation and will not take place as scheduled. The 3rd round of the 2023-24 E-Formula race was scheduled in the same circuit which staged the first E-formula race last February.
According to reports, emergency talks had taken place between the city officials or personnel and important stakeholders of Formula E like the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder. However, they have reached no verdict. With Telangana witnessing a change in guard as Congress came into power, it is believed to be the reason as the new administration wishes to concentrate on other initiatives.
Furthermore, any replacement event is unlikely to take place and that the stakeholders or administrators are reportedly exploring the possibility of hosting it in 2025. It will also return to a 16-race event, the same as in 2023.
Hyderabad economy enjoyed significant monetary boost after the 2023 event:
According to the economic study held by Nielsen Sports Analysis the previous summer, the city's economy enjoyed a massive boost of $83.7 million following last February's race. However, that particular race also had several infrastructural and operational issues, while some of the facilities were made available late.
The Hyderabad track, 1.76 miles long, was to be modified for the upcoming race.