With former Pakistan captain Shoaib Malik's marriage with renowned actress Sana Javed gaining becoming a hot topic, the former's ex-wife's Sania Mirza's comment from a TV show has gone viral. Before their separation, Sania Mirza and Shoaib Malik used to host a show named 'Mirza Malik show' and the former commented that Pakistan's cricketers' favourite topic is making fun of their wives.
With the couple hosting ex-Pakistan speedster Wahab Riaz, Malik stated that men have to take scoldings from parents from the outset, followed by their wives. Sania followed it by retaliating:
"I want to tell everybody on this show and I think Zainab will agree with me. Koi bhi Pakistan cricketers ki favourite topic hai biwiyon ka mazaak udaana."
(I want to tell everybody on this show and I think Zainab will agree with me. Any Pakistan cricketers' favourite topic is making fun of their wives)