Sadhguru writes about why there is a need to raise human consciousness

Sadhguru writes about why there is a need to raise human consciousness

We have created societies essentially based on our survival mechanisms. We are always fighting and it is survival of the fittest

SadhguruUpdated: Friday, November 11, 2022, 08:25 PM IST

Generally in most societies, people are trying to take a human being to a certain height through moral and ethical standards. Or in other words, from the day a child is born, we are trying to tell him he must be good. What does this mean? Somewhere, essentially we believe that the Creator has made a mistake and you are going to correct it. Somewhere we believe, essentially all human beings are born bad and we have to fix them. It is not so.

It is simply because we have created societies without any focus on the inward nature of a human being. We have created societies essentially based on our survival mechanisms. When survival is the only issue, we are as good as any animal. We are always fighting and it is survival of the fittest. But there is an innate human nature which is capable of a certain inclusiveness. There is a certain possibility in a human being that he can include everything and everybody as a part of himself. Unless this inclusiveness is brought to one's experience, our attempts to fix humanity with morality, ethics and values will not work. The highest sense of morals, ethics and values has gone into almost every human being, but you know it has not worked. The world is living proof of that. It is just that it seems to be an easier substitute because raising human consciousness seems to be a far cry. It is not a far cry.

It is a far cry right now only because we have not invested any time, resources or energies in that direction. If you look at any society on the planet today, individual people, societies, nations and humanity as a whole have not made any investment towards human consciousness. They have not made any investment in the essential sense of well-being in a human being. It is only by chance that a few individuals go that way out of their own intelligence and longing, but nations and societies have not made any investment.

We have made investment for economic well-being, physical well-being, political well-being and other things, but have we made any investment for human consciousness to rise? That is why it looks like a far cry. Suppose there was no investment at all towards regular education in a particular country, education would look like a far cry. This is also just like that. This has not happened because there is no investment.

Today, the most important work on the planet is to raise human consciousness. We are at a certain significant time in human history because for the first time, as humanity, we have the necessary capability, technology and resources to solve almost every human problem – fundamental problems like nourishment, health, education – on this planet; never before this was possible. The only thing that is missing is human consciousness. Raising human consciousness does not need any external inputs. All it takes is to make human beings willing.

(Sadhguru is a Yogi, mystic, visionary and a New York Times bestselling author. He is also the founder of the world’s largest people’s movement, Conscious Planet – Save Soil)


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