Guiding Light: War And Wisdom

Guiding Light: War And Wisdom

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj jiUpdated: Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 10:54 PM IST
Representative Image | Pixabay

It is said in Atharva Veda that “Wars are born in the minds of men.” Though this is true in general terms, it would be better if, in order to explain the origination of wars more precisely, it is said: “Wars – hot or cold – are born either from the temptation to possess more territories or from the feelings of national pride or hurt pride, or from hatred, suspicion and fear that grip men's mind and finally, from the will to prove its superior strength or to wreak vengeance on the opponent.”

It would be useful to know, in this context that behind every action, there is in one's mind, "a related conviction or what may be called 'philosophy of action'. So also, behind Wars, there is what may be called a Philosophy of wars', perverted though it may be. Philosophers, such as Renan, said: “War is, in a way, one of the conditions of progress, the cut of a whip which keeps a country from going to sleep." John Ruskin called war" the foundation of all arts... of all virtues and faculties of men." If, now, the philosophy of Renan and Ruskin and such other men, as Prussian Marshal Moltke, who said that “war is an element of the order of the world, established by God”, remain to be the belief of nations, then, of course, wars cannot be banished. Remember! Nations will take to the path of reconciliation and non-violence, if only like the Indian King Ashoka, they keep uppermost, in their minds, the sufferings all wars cause. Today, what makes the world-situation peaceless is that mankind has not yet been able to realise the truth that the factors that lead nations to race for military superiority build-up of weapons and subjugation of other people and their territories are religious bigotry, scramble for power or spirit of revenge Also, man does not realise that the political power without the power to rule one's physical senses and without the intent to use power for human good, leads to turmoil. Remember! The lasting happiness of the human race depends not on power to dominate others but on his mastery over his demoniac traits. So, the rub of the matter is that man needs to be reminded in an effective manner that if he does not kill the demons of hate, anger and war with the weapons of love and universal brotherhood, the demons would kill mankind.

The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and the UK. He can be contacted at /


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