Guiding Light: Stay Connected

Guiding Light: Stay Connected

Dada J. P. VaswaniUpdated: Monday, January 09, 2023, 08:46 PM IST
Representative Image | Anup Panthi/Pixabay

God is our true friend, our guardian and our guide. Let us always seek His help, before turning to worldly sources for support.

Over the years, there is one way I have discovered to connect with the Divine, and I believe it has really drawn me closer to the Lord. I would like to share it with you. It is to sit in silence, in the calm and quiet stillness of the night, before you retire to bed, and go over all the events of the last twelve hours.

Ask yourself: What have I done during the day that is just over?

You will realise the mistakes you have made, knowingly or unknowingly. Pray to God, 'O Lord! Bestow on me the awareness of the true purpose of my life, and the wisdom to improve my karma and to do good deeds!'

In today’s world of speed and stress, life has become very uncertain. It would be no exaggeration to say that people who leave home in the morning do not always return to their family in the evening. Fatal accidents are increasing, day by day. Fortunes are made and lost on the stock exchange. Cyber fraudsters are looting people’s bank accounts from thousands of miles away. Irate mobs attack and fatally wound innocent citizens and hapless passers-by in troubled areas. Reputed companies declare insolvency and hundreds of workers lose their livelihoods overnight. Strange, unknown viruses attack children and old people, and doctors are unable to locate the right remedies to treat them.

Connecting with God can protect you and your family from untold, unheard of troubles like those I have listed above.

Let us realise this truth: by ourselves we can do nothing. We are passing through kaliyuga – the age of evil. In this yuga the easiest way to establish our connection with God is the Bhakti Marga – the path of Devotion. Bhakti yoga – the way of love, is the most universal and the most direct way to God.

May I offer you a few practical suggestions to stay connected with God?

1. Begin the day by expressing your love for God; bring your day to a close by expressing your gratitude to God.

2. Every day, spend some time in silent communion with God; He is not from you afar! He dwells within the Lotus of Your heart.

3. He is also the Indweller, the antaryami in every creature that breathes the breath of life. Therefore, treat everyone, every creature, every thing around you with reverence.

4. The Guru is the living, moving image of God. When you love, serve and devote your life to the Guru, you become secure in God’s grace.

Stay Connected — Stay Protected and blessed!

Dada JP Vaswani is a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah of ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritual leader


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