Guiding Light: Nation First

Guiding Light: Nation First

Swami Brahmavidananda SaraswatiUpdated: Thursday, May 16, 2024, 06:51 PM IST
Representative Image | Pixabay

In this election season, politicians are freely promising freebies, without the thought of where the resources will come from.

If indeed all the resources are going to be used for freebies, then will there be any left for the development of the country? This is not what the Indian Sanaatana tradition is about.

Ancient India had a monarchy but the king did not have absolute power. He had an advisory Council of Ministers including a spiritual advisor.

It was not always the eldest that became the king. The most fit person was chosen to be the king. If none of the sons of the King qualified, any prominent citizen could be approached to be the king. The king himself along with the council of ministers would do that.

Clearly, the system was very different from what it is today. Leaders did not have to beg for votes with the promise of freebies. They were free to work for the development of the country.

The most important function of the king was to see that there was a rule of law and that rule of law extended to every part of the country. Every citizen including the king himself came under this rule of law.

This was Rama Rajya. It did not mean that everything was perfect. There was equality in the sense of equal opportunities to develop their own talents, opportunities for education, which was free and state-sponsored. People were free to follow their chosen profession and even change the profession if necessary.

Was it Utopia? No. There were limitations but the commitment of the government was to development. Everyone kept the nation first. Unlike now where vested interests trying to pull the country apart.

Will we get a government that puts the nation first?

While there are many ways everyone can get involved in politics, each has to find their way. The bare minimum is voting.

It is not only a responsibility as a citizen but in ancient days it was a religious, spiritual duty.

The writer is the founder of Aarsha Vidya Foundation. You can write to him at


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