Guiding Light: Mrutyudaru Kutharika

Guiding Light: Mrutyudaru Kutharika

Change of form is death of the previous form, and birth of a new form

Prof S AinavoluUpdated: Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 11:45 AM IST
A butterfly emerging from its cocoon | Katinka/Pixabay

Mrutyu is decimation, the end. In simple language, it refers to death. From a limited perspective, we infer it as the end of the world. This ‘end’ feeling reinforces the feeling of unknown. Unknown induces the fear. Thus, death and fear are strongly correlated. If the fear of death is spread like a wild tree, THAT axe which can cut it is Mother Goddess. Hence, we find the name of Mother in Lalita Sahasranama Stotram as ‘Mrutyudaru Kutharika’, the one who chops/axes the death and the fear of death.

Is death the real end in itself is the question we need to ask first. Change of form is death of the previous form, and birth of a new form. In our human body lakhs of cells die on a daily basis, and many lakhs of new cells are born. This is a continuous cycle. As long as this cycle is in balanced mode, there is no harm on either side. If the regeneration rate is low, weakening and withering away happens. If the regeneration rate is higher than the eroding rate, another ‘excessive growth’ problem happens. Thus, semblance and balance are needed in life.

Death and fear of death are common to many. Even those in the profession of seeing death (hospital staff), may get this for their near and dear and also in their own case. Then, what is the method of not having this fear, and may be embracing the death. Here, internalised knowledge helps. Realisation derived from Gita that ‘changing the form is like changing of cloths’ shall help. Another point is, end of caterpillar form is the birth of butterfly. Should we express sorrow on the ‘demise’ of caterpillar or ‘celebrate’ the birth of butterfly? Tradition says, neither. Witness both, and be the BEING.

Internalising the message and contemplating formless, timeless, and boundless THAT shall help seeing others in us and us in all others. When the vision is clear, mission becomes facilitated. When we are ONE, then there is nothing that gets added or dropped. There is no gain to any, nor any loss to any. Uniformity remains, and we witness that soothing serenity by experiencing it. There is no fear on any count, even around death. What remains is NITYA and SATYA.

Prof S Ainavolu is a Mumbai-based teacher of Tradition and Management. Views are personal. .


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