Guiding Light: Management without tension

Guiding Light: Management without tension

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj jiUpdated: Wednesday, December 07, 2022, 05:37 PM IST
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It’s a known fact that the world over, corporations spend millions and in some cases even billions to find that magical technique of management without tension. But still no company has found that magical technique. Why? After lot of mind-churning and keeping a pragmatic approach, it can be said that the art of tension-free management is mainly about using 8 ‘M’s, 7 ‘P’s, 6 ‘S’s and lastly 5 ‘T’s in an organised way and a useful, profitable and peaceful manner, and to the maximum possible satisfaction of and justice to all concerned.

The eight ‘M’s are: men, money, materials, machines, marketing, mutual connections, mutual relations and means. The seven ‘P’s are: productivity and performance, price and profitability, planning ahead of time, pecuniary discipline, publicity, public relations and politeness, punctuality and personal commitments. The six ‘S’s are: skills, standards, strategies and speed, salesmanship, systems and structures and social good and finally the five ‘T’s. are: time and time-sense, technology or techniques, team work, treatment of each other and thanks giving.

If one plans, organises and manages the above factors properly and has the essential abilities and qualities, some of which have been mentioned above, one can sustain an atmosphere of growth and can achieve success for himself and for all the members of the team. Now, in order to attain success in achieving the goal of one's life, we must add 2 ‘M’s, ‘P’s, ‘S’s and ‘T’s to the above list, viz: moral values, meditation, purity, peaceful personality, spiritual study, soul-consciousness, truthfulness and trusteeship.

“If we practice meditation, there would be no mental tension.” But one thing that is neglected today is that, at many places, there is tension without management. Since there is neither any planning, nor any fixed priorities, neither any sincerity nor any spirit of cordiality, there is a great mental tension. It should, therefore, be remembered that meditation and management have an intimate connection. One who can manage well, can also meditate well and vice versa. So, while there is tension at many places because there is management without meditation, there is tension at many places because there is no proper management at all and, in the disturbed atmosphere, many find it difficult to meditate also. There is thus the need to follow good principles of management in order to be able to facilitate good and easy meditation at workplaces. This will automatically bring in a stress-free environment and stress-free life for everyone.

The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and the UK. He can be contacted at /


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