Guiding Light: Make Spirituality A Reality!

Guiding Light: Make Spirituality A Reality!

True spirituality is not a matter of indoctrination nor turning back on life; It is the source of courage and inner strength that will enable you to take on life’s challenges

Dada J. P. VaswaniUpdated: Monday, November 27, 2023, 11:22 PM IST
Guiding Light: Make Spirituality A Reality! | Representational photo

Spirituality does not mean turning your back on life; it is not renunciation or asceticism; it is not running away from the problems of life. It is the source of courage and inner strength that will enable you to take on life’s challenges in the awareness that you are a spark of Divinity; that within you is a shakti that is of the Infinite!

The Gita tells us that man is not the body he wears, but essentially the Spirit, the atman within. An enormous treasure of shakti lies locked and hidden within us.

The question is: How can we awaken this shakti? How can we connect with the soul? How can we promote our spiritual well-being? You can get this strength by appealing to the Supreme Shakti, the All-Powerful, the Almighty. Seek His strength. Appeal to Him, “O Supreme Shakti, give me strength.”

Make this Supreme Divine Power real in your daily life. You will discover that your tasks are easily done and your wishes are fulfilled and your problems are solved.

You are a spark of the Supreme Self. You are a child of God. His power and energy are yours. And you can harness this tremendous spiritual energy through self-discipline, by connecting to God through sadhana. Make Him a friend, a partner, a guide, a guardian, a parent, and invite Him to watch over all that you do.

True spirituality is not a matter of indoctrination. It cannot be inspired by compulsion. You are free to enquire into its principles — you must be convinced of their truth, before you accept them. The laws of life are inviolable; they need no defenders, no patrons and no protectors. Each one of us must reach the Highest by his own free choice. This is the great truth taught to us in the ancient scriptures of India.

In the Gita, after Lord Krishna passes on many truths concerning life to His dear devoted disciple Arjuna, He finally tells him: “I have declared the truths to you; you must go and reflect upon these teachings and do as you choose.”

The choice is yours!

Dada J P Vaswani is a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah of ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritual leader


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