Guiding Light: Give, give, give – until it hurts to give!

Guiding Light: Give, give, give – until it hurts to give!

It is narrated from Imam Musa Kadhim that in Bani Israel was a righteous man who had a kind hearted wife.

Dada J. P. VaswaniUpdated: Friday, March 24, 2023, 05:49 PM IST
Guiding Light: Give, give, give – until it hurts to give! | Photo: Pixabay

Give, give, give – until it hurts to give! This will release you from bondage to the ego – and to things.

It is narrated from Imam Musa Kadhim that in Bani Israel was a righteous man who had a kind hearted wife.

One night this man dreamt that he was told that the Almighty Allah had fixed a particular life span for him. Half of it was to be in prosperity and other half in difficulties. He had the choice of whichever life he desired first and whichever condition he desires to have in the later life. The man requested for some time as he wanted to consult his wife, as he had always sought her counsel in important matters.

The next day he related the dream to his wife who told him to ask for a prosperous life first. She said, “And hurry up to obtain it. May be Almighty Allah desires to grant us with His bounties.” The next night when he was asked in his dream, he said that he wished for prosperity in the earlier part of life. He was told that his wish shall be fulfilled.

Thus, he began to receive all types of bounties and comforts. His wealth and property increased.

Then his wife said, “O slave of Almighty Allah! Now you help your relatives and other deprived people. Do good to them. Give that particular thing to that neighbour and something to that friend of yours.”

This man followed the advice of his wife and was not stingy in giving his wealth in charity. In this way half the life passed. Again, he dreamt of the same person and he was saying, “You were not stingy in charity, therefore the Almighty Allah has decided to grant you prosperity in the latter half of your life also.”

Practice Tip:

Today, make it your day to Care and Share!

Share your smiles with everyone you meet. Share some of your food with the less fortunate ones. Offer a share of your day’s spending money in charity – and go without something you want!

Dada J P Vaswani is a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah of ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritual leader


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