Guiding Light: Don't Postpone Good Acts

Guiding Light: Don't Postpone Good Acts

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj jiUpdated: Wednesday, February 07, 2024, 08:40 PM IST
Representative Image | Pixabay

It is an incontrovertible fact of life that anyone who is born is going to die one day. Another important fact is that everyone is judged, or will be judged, by one's actions. The deaths of many notable personalities across the world during the pandemic situation witnessed a large number of VVIPs coming to pay their respectful homage in each case, and of thousands of people offering their flowers and bouquets and expressing their feeling of deprivation, shows how these personalities had carved a niche for themselves in the hearts of the people by their certain uncommon charismatic acts. These events of the demise of world-famous personalities that saddened the hearts of millions and billions should indeed have provided people some moments for earnest introspection and deep reflection on their own personal life and acts.

If people developed this into a sort of a good habit to consider such occasions as hidden reminders by the Cosmic Order, by whatever name it be known, they would become more sane than mundane and profane and would, gradually, be uplifted to be, themselves, the veritable saints rather than pay only lip-service to saints and be lost in the strong surge of grief and remorse.

“Every saint", it has been well-said, “has a past and every sinner has a future". So, such events, seen in a right perspective, could have served as rungs of a ladder to rise high. Death of these personalities that gave their admirers a jolt, could have served to push them high but, lethargic as human nature is in this age, soon people would return to their earthly ambitions, petty objectives and most would again go into deep slumber of ignorance as before. For, this also is a fact of life that the mood of giving up negative habits or evil intentions that overtakes man for a while, on such occasions, is only evanescent and effervescent and like white froth on the surface of dirty water and, very soon, one takes again to wanton and wild ways.

Whatever be one's philosophy of life, a sure truth is that a person's love, kindness and acts of devoted service to the deprived and the depressed masses pave the path of one's moral progress and enable one to pay one's debt to the society, to leave a lasting impact on the sands of time and to earn the blessings of thousands or millions of men and women.

The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and the UK. He can be contacted at /


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