We should trust in this fact that we are very dear to God. That is it! The work is done. Just like for a child it is enough that mother is at home and food will be available when he goes home. This kind of confidence that one has in their mother, one should also have in God — that God is my very own, and He loves me, and He will shower everything on me. He has created this whole world for me. When will you express this feeling? After ten years of devotion? At the end of life? How long will it take for you to awaken this feeling within you? Do it from today, from this very moment. How much time does it take to feel belongingness for someone? How long does it take to form a connection? This is not time-dependent. A connection is not time-dependent. If we establish a connection with the Divine in our heart, just wait and see what miracles will begin to unfold in life. I only have to say that the One who created you, created your parents, created your grandparents and great-grand parents, one who created all this for you, loves you very much; you are very dear to Him. You have forgotten this, and I have just come to remind you. So as long as you remember that, perfection, prosperity, power, devotion, liberation, peace, all will become available to you in life.
Often love diminishes. A child loves its mother and as the child gets older, the love for the mother goes to the background because it starts loving its friends, then their husband or wife and then their own children. But Divine love is contrary to this: Every moment it grows, the more time you spend, there is a feeling of wanting more.
It’s a form of experience. You can live it, you can be it, you can shed tears of gratitude, you cannot express it. You cannot fully share it with anyone.
Divine love is uninterrupted, there are no gaps in it. There are no flaws there. Divine love is continual. Your love is so unconditional, it does not depend on the behaviour of the other person. It does not depend on the attributes of the other person. Does not depend upon what they do or don’t do to you. You are in love because you can’t but be in love. You have no choice as it is your very nature.