Guiding Light: Be Like Little Children

Guiding Light: Be Like Little Children

Dada J. P. VaswaniUpdated: Monday, April 08, 2024, 09:27 PM IST
Representative Image | Pixabay

Our difficulties and dangers begin the moment we cease to be children. When I think I have grown up and I am able to look after myself, I am faced with trials and tribulations which overwhelm me, again and again, and which rob me of the joy of living. The child is singularly free from worries and cares, for it knows, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the mother is there to provide for all its needs. The mother anticipates the needs of her children and provides for them well in advance. We, who think we are independent, only create for ourselves a situation in which we have to slave from dawn to dusk. True freedom belongs to the child!

One mark of the childlike soul is that he hath no care for the morrow. He is singularly free from all fear of the future. Who will feed me tomorrow? Who will supply my daily needs? Such thoughts do not beset his mind. For him it is enough that the Mother is! She will provide. It is Her sole responsibility to take care of us and look after all our needs.

The child of God does not take life “seriously”. He understands that all that happens is but a play of the Mother divine. He becomes the Mother’s playmate, accepting all that comes to him cheerfully, meeting all situations merrily. He does not prepare in advance. He does not make any plans. He but lives as a child of the Mother, and he knows that in the measure in which he becomes a willing tool in the Hands of the Mother, the Great Plan will be revealed to him. So he claims nothing; he asks nothing; he seeks nothing; he plans nothing; he becomes a channel for the divine plan to flow through. To such a one death loses its terror and defeat and despair tastes sweet. In pleasure and pain, in loss and gain, he gives gratitude to God.

Convert work into yagna (offering to the Lord) and you are linked with the Lord. The light shines in your life if you connect yourself with the Great Light, God, through yagna, self-offering; a new power will course through your body and you will speak as spake the apostles of Jesus on the day of Pentecost!

Dada J P Vaswani is a humanitarian, philosopher, educator, acclaimed writer, powerful orator, messiah of ahimsa, and non-sectarian spiritual leader


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