Leshpal Jawalge, the brave individual who saved a girl from a vicious sickle attack in the Peth area of Pune last month, was honoured by the Pune unit of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Wednesday. This recognition comes after several political and social groups, including the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), felicitated Jawalge for his courageous act.
The incident occurred when a 21-year-old girl, riding pillion on a scooter with a friend, was confronted by the attacker near a temple. The assailant demanded to speak with her, but when she refused and attempted to walk away, he unleashed a brutal attack with a sickle, injuring her arm. Despite her friend's hasty retreat and the shocked onlookers, the assailant pursued the girl, attacking her twice more, causing injuries to her hand and head.
In a stroke of luck, Leshpal Jawalge, a local student passing by, witnessed the girl's distress and the attacker in pursuit. Jawalge swiftly intervened, dropping his bag and giving chase. He managed to apprehend the attacker, pinning him down on the road with the assistance of other passersby who joined in to subdue the assailant.
Jawalge's selfless act of heroism has garnered widespread recognition, with various political and social groups commending his bravery.