The Pune Rural Police have initiated steps to gather information regarding over 7,000 bungalows, farmhouses, and resorts functioning as guest houses in and around the Lonavala and Khandala hill stations.
Pankaj Deshmukh, Pune Rural SP, stated, "We have begun issuing notices to bungalow owners known to rent out their properties for recreational purposes. Additionally, we have requested details from the local municipal council concerning the bungalows and similar establishments in the Lonavala-Khandala areas."
Moreover, the police intend to engage with online platforms where such properties are listed. Deshmukh emphasised, "These platforms must provide booking details to the police."
He added, "Resort owners or managers need to ensure that their premises are not misused for illegal activities."
This come after a pornographic video racket was busted in Lonavala on Saturday, resulting in the arrest of 13 individuals. The group had rented multiple villas in Lonavala to produce explicit content for OTT platforms. However, their operations were halted by the intervention of Lonavala Police, who seized incriminating material.
Prompted by reports of suspicious activities involving young individuals renting properties in Lonavala, police conducted raids on these premises, apprehending 13 individuals, including five women. These individuals, from various regions of India, were enticed by promises of opportunities in web series and streaming platforms.