A 25-year-old woman died after committing suicide by hanging herself in her home in Thane on Tuesday night. The deceased has been identified as Priyanka Mahadik, 25, who worked in a beauty parlor in Thane. She lived with her brother and friend in Thane. The incident took place at home on Tuesday at about 8 PM when she was alone.
The police said that she lived on a rented basis at Chendani-Koliwada chawl in Kopri, Thane. According to the police, Priyanka's brother and female friend had gone to their respective work in Thane. The brother returned home and found the door was locked from the inside. He attempted to open the door but failed. Consequently, he called the local police about the incident. They alerted the Regional Disaster Management Cell.
Yasin Tadvi, Chief of the Regional Disaster Management Cell of Thane Municipal Corporation, said, "We received a call at about 9:50 PM from the police. We dispatched one team along with a fire engine and a rescue vehicle. Subsequently, they unlocked the door using a cutter and found that she hanged herself using a dupatta from the roof's iron rod."
The police called an ambulance, and she was taken to Civil Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. The post-mortem was conducted at the hospital. Kopari police said initially an Accidental Death Report was lodged.
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